Bonnie’s Testimony

It's Testimony Tuesday! Bonnie is here to share her testimony with us:
A few short weeks after meeting my soulmate and future husband, we were already planning our lives together. Being an only child myself, we wanted to have both a boy and a girl and had their names already picked. We got married 3 years later at the age of 26 and began trying to start a family.
Much to my dismay, I struggled with secondary amenorrhea after going off the pill for the next few years. After finally seeking medical advice and having every test known to man to rule out any thyroid issues, ovarian cysts, or pituitary gland tumors, it was determined that the only way I'd ever conceive would be through fertility treatments and possibly in vitro.
I was told by the fertility specialist that it would take a "miracle" to conceive without treatments since I wasn't menstruating, which is a crucial part of conceiving. My husband and I prayed for God's wisdom and but just didn't feel at peace about using "man's" methods over His, and we didn't feel led to adopt. So, we carried on praying and crying out for a miracle for another few years without any answer from God.
Finally, at the age of 34, seeking only God's inexplicable peace and trusting Him completely for His plan in my life, I fully resigned to the fact that I would never become a mother.
I also tearfully told my own mother that she would never become a grandmother.
Although it shattered my heart initially, I gradually healed day by day with God's grace and felt at peace about it.
Then, something completely unexpected happened. I got my period. And nearly 45 days later, I got another one followed by another one, a few weeks later. There was no logical explanation for it apart from God's perfect timing! Then it stopped, and I found myself feeling incredibly sick in October of that year. I scheduled a doctor's appointment and found out that I was eight weeks pregnant!
My heart rejoiced so loudly I could hardly believe it was true as I cried tears of joy! I'll never forget that moment in which I told my mother that she was going to become a grandma! She hugged me tightly as we both cried the happiest tears ever while praising Jesus aloud and thanking Him for this unexpected miracle.
In June of 2015, I gave birth to our healthy precious son whom we named Alexander...just as we had planned nearly 13 years prior. He was and is our own little miracle baby!
But God wasn't finished showing how miraculous He is.
Nearly two years later, I find myself expecting again...this time with a girl! God is so incredibly good and He makes all things beautiful in His time. If we fully trust in Him, He ALWAYS shows Himself to be faithful. Never give up hope when life throws "impossibilities" because with Him, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Thank you Bonnie for sharing this beautiful testimony of what God has done! And we rejoice with you over your son Alexander, and your coming baby girl!
And we also find encouragement to keep hoping in Him, even when there seems to be no hope from our bodies, or from the doctors. Like you said, "Nothing is impossible" with God.
If you would like to share your testimony of how God has healed your womb, or how He has healed, or is healing your soul (whether or not you have a baby) please email me at and check out the writer's guidelines at "Want To Share Your Testimony?" I feature a Testimony each Tuesday, you can also subscribe with your email address, or follow along on my Facebook Page.
Love, Rebekah